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famlights | Pendelleuchte Loys in Schwarz GU10
62,90 €

famlights | Pendelleuchte Loys in Schwarz GU10

famlights | Pendelleuchte Loys in Schwarz GU10
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6290 €
inkl. gesetzlicher USt., zzgl. Versandkosten
Artikelnr. V-7310052023-03
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Außergewöhlich. Einzigartig. Qualitativ. famlights


Die Marke famlights steht für eine familiäre, individuelle Produktlinie. Das vielseitige Sortiment reicht von Gips- über Beton- bis hin zu Stoff- und Metallleuchten. So stellt die Marke sicher, dass Du garantiert eine Leuchte findest, die zu Dir passt. Das famlights-Sortiment wird persönlich und individuell für Dich von unseren Mitarbeitern in feinster Recherche ausgewählt. Nur Leuchten, die uns als Fachberater überzeugen können, erscheinen im Shop.


Besonders am Herzen liegt der familiären Marke dabei, das die Leuchten eine hervorragende Qualität haben und trotzdem zu einem guten Preis angeboten werden können. Hochwertige Keramikleuchten, feinste Glasleuchten und natürlich trendige Beton- und Gipsleuchten sowie moderne Klassiker zu Top Preisen.


premium Auswahl
modernes Design
hervorragende Qualität
attraktive Preise


Im weit gefächerten famlights-Sortiment finden sich neben schlichter und zeitloser Beleuchtung auch Trend-Leuchten. Besondere Materialien wie Gips oder Beton sind heutzutage bei der Inneneinrichtung kaum wegzudenken - so auch bei den Leuchten. Betonleuchten spiegeln einen industriellen Look wider, sind dekorativ und vor allem: Unikate, denn bei jedem Gießen entstehen unterschiedliche Lufteinschlüsse. Bei Gipsleuchten bleibt die Wandelbarkeit im Vordergrund, denn: Jede Leuchte ist mit Wandfarbe überstreichbar und kann persönlich gestaltet werden. Viele Gipsleuchten können außerdem nahtlos in die Wand eingearbeitet werden, um ein bündiges Ergebnis zu erzielen.

famlights im Kindergarten

Mit viel Liebe gestalteten die Kinder vom Kindergarten "Friedrich von Bodelschwingh" in Oer-Erkenschwick die Leuchten der Marke famlights.

Hier konnten die kleinen Künstler sich richtig austoben und ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf lassen. Bemalen, bekleben und verzieren - alles war erlaubt! So sind individuelle, persönliche Leuchten mit Charakter entstanden, die den Eltern eine große Freude bereiteten.

mehr auf YouTube


Durchschnittliche Artikelbewertung
(4,5 von 5)

(es liegen 10 Artikelbewertungen vor)

Teilen Sie anderen Kunden Ihre Erfahrungen mit

3.0 out of 5 stars Really Adobe, really?

Okie dokie, I tend to like Adobe programs, however they hire people whose only job is to make each and every program as difficult to use as possible, then once you figure out how to use it they go and switch everything around and move buttons, hide features and you have to relearn the whole program. Completely unnecessary. Now, as for the features you get quite a bit of amazing features, until Adobe hides them and moves them and I swear there is like one guy who is at his des...
Really Adobe, really?

Okie dokie, I tend to like Adobe programs, however they hire people whose only job is to make each and every program as difficult to use as possible, then once you figure out how to use it they go and switch everything around and move buttons, hide features and you have to relearn the whole program. Completely unnecessary. Now, as for the features you get quite a bit of amazing features, until Adobe hides them and moves them and I swear there is like one guy who is at his des...
5.0 out of 5 stars Best Value

I am an educator and I have been using Adobe products for years. However, I have not been very fond of the subscription model. Yes I understand that you always have the most up to date features but paying for the same product every year is not the best option when for many of us purchasing some of the Adobe tools could really be done on a 3 - 5 year cycle. Unfortunately even with tools like Affinity, Kofax, Gimp and so on being cheaper or free Adobe is still the easiest pr...
Best Value

I am an educator and I have been using Adobe products for years. However, I have not been very fond of the subscription model. Yes I understand that you always have the most up to date features but paying for the same product every year is not the best option when for many of us purchasing some of the Adobe tools could really be done on a 3 - 5 year cycle. Unfortunately even with tools like Affinity, Kofax, Gimp and so on being cheaper or free Adobe is still the easiest pr...
4.0 out of 5 stars The best subscription

I have used the Adobe suite of tools since before CS4. Starting back when, some software was still Macromedia branded. I was not always a student, and used to pay the hefty price tag every couple years to get the latest and greatest of the different software. Now, with the cloud offerings, we enjoy the latest of these programs without having to purchase another major version of the software packages. The regular monthly subscription is a bit pricey, especially when I used to ...
The best subscription

I have used the Adobe suite of tools since before CS4. Starting back when, some software was still Macromedia branded. I was not always a student, and used to pay the hefty price tag every couple years to get the latest and greatest of the different software. Now, with the cloud offerings, we enjoy the latest of these programs without having to purchase another major version of the software packages. The regular monthly subscription is a bit pricey, especially when I used to ...
5.0 out of 5 stars Adobe Products | Bloviated and Adobe Company is Greedy

I was using photoshop when the company was purchased from Macromedia, it's gone downhill since. I am using the Affinity Suite primarily now, and am not paying a subscription fee for bloviation and software licensing. Hopefully this will catch on with other companies, and they won't have to pay the fees either!
Adobe Products | Bloviated and Adobe Company is Greedy

I was using photoshop when the company was purchased from Macromedia, it's gone downhill since. I am using the Affinity Suite primarily now, and am not paying a subscription fee for bloviation and software licensing. Hopefully this will catch on with other companies, and they won't have to pay the fees either!
4.0 out of 5 stars Existing Account Linked!

If you have an existing creative cloud subscription, have Adobe delete your old / existing / expired subscription before linking your existing account with Amazon. I tried linking before hand, and that was not successful. Contacted Adobe and they were able to delete my existing, expired subscription. I then unlinked my adobe account from Amazon, cancelled my first order, reordered, linked accounts... And everything worked. It was a bit of a mess, but it all works now. Save...
5.0 out of 5 stars Everything you need

Great product

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famlights | Pendelleuchte Loys in Schwarz GU10
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